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Maschera Oculare

Maschera Oculare

A common at-home treatment for conditions such as Meibomian gland dysfunction, Chalazion and Styes is the application of Warm compresses to closed eyes. The compresses are designed to warm debris inside the eyelid glands after approximately 10 minutes of application. Although hot flannels can be used, microwavable compresses are more effective at applying a constant, effective temperature to the eyelids. Microwavable compresses are also more hygienic than hot flannels. Place the compress in a clean dish and microwave according to the manufacturer's instructions. Always check the temperature by holding the compress against the inside of your wrist and double check the temperature by holding it against your cheek. Apply the compress over the eyes and relax for 10 minutes. Next, remove the compress and use the index or middle finger and sweep the pad of the finger from the inner corner of the eye along the eyelid to the outer corner of the eye. Repeat this on the lower lid, placing the pad of the finger just below the lashes in the corner of the eye and sweep outwards towards the temple. This sweeping massage action should ideally be repeated 5 to 10 times over about 30 seconds immediately following the warming. Treatment should generally be repeated twice a day or as instructed by your eye-care practitioner.

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