Congiuntivite Infettiva

Conjunctivitis is also known as pink eye. It effects the conjunctiva, the thin layer covering the white of the eye, as a result of infection or inflammation. Most often, infections are due to viruses or bacteria, whereas, inflammation may result from allergens such as pollen. Conjunctivitis normally effects both eyes and symptoms include: bloodshot eyes, itchiness and watering. There may also be a sticky pus over the eyelashes. Conjunctivitis can be highly contagious. Lid hygiene is effective in managing most conjunctivitis. Boil water and let it cool down, dip clean cotton wool into the water and gently rub your eyelashes to clean off crusts. Use a separate piece for the other eye. Wash hands regularly, wash pillow cases and face cloths, do not wear contact lenses until the eyes are fully healed and avoid eye rubbing. Antibiotic drops may be prescribed for bacterial infections but will not treat viral infections. Antihistamines may be prescribed for allergies. There may be many other eye conditions that can cause red eyes. See your eyecare professional to ensure conjunctivitis is correctly diagnosed.