Test di Amsler

The Amsler Grid is a simple at-home method of checking if your eyesight is worsening or changing because of Wet Macular Degeneration. It is important to note that the Amsler test does not replace a professional eye examination. The grid is used to check for distortion, and it should be used once a week. Ensure you are sat comfortably and if you need reading glasses make sure you put them on before starting the test. Hold the grid 12-14 inches away. While focusing on the dot in the centre of the grid, cover one eye and ask yourself the following questions. Am I able to see the corners and sides of the square? Do I see any wavy lines or distortion? Are there any holes or missing areas? Then, repeat the test with the other eye. You may already have distortion of your vision or other symptoms due to Dry Macular Degeneration so detecting changes may be difficult. Remember, if you notice any new changes to your vision, do not delay as in some cases early action is vital.