Glaucoma: Fattori di Rischio

Open Angle Glaucoma is one of the most common causes of blindness where the field of vision slowly reduces without warning. However, some people are at greater risk. The over 60s have a 6 times greater risk. There is a 4 to 9 times greater risk if your parent or sibling has the condition. If you are of African or Hispanic descent there is a 6-8 times greater risk compared to Caucasians. The risk also increases if you take high dosage steroids or inhalers or have diabetes. Even high myopia, is a risk factor. Research has shown that patients with thin corneas have a higher risk of glaucoma. Your practitioner is ideally placed and detect glaucoma. Usually, this involves measuring eye pressure, performing a visual fields test in order to take a snap shot of your field of vision and examining the optic nerve using a special light. You may be advised to complete a more specialised test such as OCT to improve diagnosis. In addition to drops, treatments such as SLT or trabecular stents may also be advised to lower eye pressure.