Rischi della Cataratta
When you and your doctor have determined that cataract surgery is required, you will be asked to complete an informed consent form. The aim of the cataract operation is to improve the quality of your vision. Surgery may also improve the doctor's view of the back of the eye. Cataract surgery, involves the removal of the natural crystalline lens in the eye and replacing it with an artificial lens using a surgical technique. Cataract surgery is usually very successful, over 95% of operations occur without any complications. However, it is important to realise that there is always a risk of complications associated with any operation. Some of the complications that may occur during the operation include: internal bleeding, damage to other structures of the eye, including the capsule surrounding the lens incomplete removal of the cataract or part of the cataract falling into the back of the eye. Some of these complications can be dealt with at the time of surgery or just after surgery. Potential complications occurring after the operation include: severe infection, fluid accumulating in the retina, which is the light-sensitive layer at the back of the eye; or detachment of the retina. You may require distance glasses to optimise vision and will probably need reading glasses. Your glasses prescription will change after the operation. These complications can sometimes occur even if the operation itself is carried out perfectly. The most serious consequence of all the complications is the risk of loss of vision, which may be temporary or permanent. The risk of severe or complete permanent loss of vision in the operated eye is less than 1 in 1,000. In approximately 1 in 10 cases, the membrane behind the artificial lens can become cloudy making your vision blurred again. If this happens, YAG laser treatment may be needed some time after surgery. Over 95% of operations occur without any complications. If you have any pre-existing conditions that may increase your risk, your Doctor will discuss these with you.